Were You Hurt At An Industrial Job?
Industrial accidents and on-the-job injuries can be serious and life-altering. Machinery and equipment can be dangerous. Poorly maintained facilities pose dangers. And, inadequately trained personnel and unsafe practices can contribute to the possibility of industrial accidents. The size and scale of industrial machinery and facilities magnify the potential for harm.
If you feel you were injured because of negligence or malfeasance, you should talk to an attorney about the possibility of a personal injury lawsuit. You may have the right to file a personal injury claim against the people and organization responsible for the unsafe condition that caused your injury.
On-the-job injuries are generally subject to the workers’ compensation system, which severely limits the amount of money a worker’s family can receive for catastrophic injuries. Though most work accidents are within the sole jurisdiction of the workers’ compensation system there are cases where a worker’s injuries are caused — or contributed by “third parties.” These can result in a worker’s family receiving considerably larger benefits. A third-party liability case arises when someone other than the employer or a fellow employee was responsible for the incident. Third parties can include an outside individual, the owner of unsafe property or other employers or employees of a separate company.
Regardless of what you may have been told by your employer or workers’ compensation provider, you may be entitled to additional compensation beyond workers’ compensation benefits.
These recovered benefits can include:
- Medical expenses
- Hospital expenses
- Compensation for pain and suffering
- Compensation for lost earnings
- Compensation for emotional loss including loss of society and companionship
- Money for other losses resulting from the tragic incident
These cases are extremely complex and require the involvement of an attorney as soon as possible to investigate the circumstances and liability for the accident. When you hire our firm, you can be assured we will look for all avenues of possible compensation.
Our firm is willing to talk to you, free of charge or obligation, to help determine if there is a possible legal case against a third party. If there is, we will represent you at no cost to you until and unless we achieve a successful settlement and then our fee is paid from the settlement.
Statistically, we know that only a small percentage of people pursue cases they are entitled to pursue. This may be due to a variety of causes, but we believe many people do not know their rights or the laws that apply in “third-party actions.” Discussing the circumstances with a lawyer might give you the security and confidence that you are doing everything you can to make things right. Lindner Law, LLC, has a long and successful history in pursuing and winning personal injury suits for clients.
Our personal injury law firm has been helping people recover damages for over 35 years. Call us at our Milwaukee office at 414-488-6870 or our Appleton office at 920-335-1342 or our Toll-Free number at 888-217-1625 to discuss your serious industrial accident injury with one of our attorneys.