We Fight For Your Rights

Have You Been Involved In A Multi-Vehicle Accident?

Multi-vehicle accidents can be very complicated. There may be disputes over who caused the accident and who is liable for the damages. There can also be situations where multiple parties are liable.

For instance, if you were struck by two vehicles while they were racing, you may claim that both of those drivers are liable for your injuries – but that none of the responsibility falls on you. It can get complex as you work with insurance companies and consider all of your legal options.

Thankfully, you can benefit from our experience here at Lindner Law, LLC. We understand this process, and our attorneys have decades of combined experience finding legal solutions after car accidents. We firmly believe that there is no case that is either too big or too small for our firm. In fact, we are so confident in our abilities that we have a 30-day guarantee. On top of that, we offer free consultations, and there is no charge until we win your case.


What Evidence Do You Need?

Because multi-vehicle accident cases are complex, you may need numerous different types of evidence. This could include pictures you took at the crash scene, statements from witnesses or a copy of the police report. Additionally, you need a copy of your medical records to show how the medical bills were connected to the accident.


What Type Of Compensation Do You Deserve?

In terms of compensation, it’s very important to look at all of your costs. For instance, you may need to recover compensation for both lost wages and lost future earnings. You may also need compensation for immediate medical bills, like emergency services, and long-term medical costs. In some cases, the long-term costs – including both future health care needs and lost earning capacity – can be more valuable than the immediate costs.


Get Started Today

If you’re interested in scheduling your free consultation with an experienced Milwaukee lawyer, just contact us online or call 414-488-6870 today.